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Unraveling the symbolism of solar and lunar eclipses in astrology

Discover the fascinating world of solar and lunar eclipses and how they influence astrology, shaping both individual lives and global events.

In this exclusive Q&A session, KPRC 2 interviewed Victoria Belue, the visionary behind AstroLogic Magazine—a pioneering digital publication dedicated to astrology, tarot, and other metaphysical studies.

Established in 2014, the magazine releases a new edition each month, while Belue doubles as a sought-after tarot advisor and dream interpreter.

Q: How do you define the significance of eclipses within astrology, and how do they differ from other celestial events?

A: In astrology, eclipses are considered important and consequential celestial events. They are catalysts for change. They can instigate or enhance major changes, disruptions or turning points in people’s lives as well as in world events. Astrologers believe eclipses are significantly more impactful and create more amplified energy than other celestial events such as full moons or new moons. Eclipses are considered to bring elevated drama and intensity creating far-reaching effects.

You have to be between the lines to see totality. Houston gets 94% of the sun covered. (Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

Q: Can you explain the astrological symbolism associated with solar and lunar eclipses?

A: Solar eclipse symbolism revolves around beginnings and new cycles that encompass revelation and renewal. Major life changes or transformations, unexpected events, and major developments are symbolically associated with solar eclipses. Blocks being cleared, secrets or hidden things coming to light. It also represents masculinity being eclipsed or reshaped due to masculine energy being associated with the sun.

Lunar eclipse symbolism represents culmination and completion. Astrologically it also portends upheavals in relationships, and a major release and letting go of things. The moon is symbolically connected to feminine energy as well as our psychological ‘shadow’. That means lunar eclipses expose fears and subconscious issues. Repressed emotions rise to the surface to be exposed and dealt with.

Q: How do eclipses influence individual birth charts and astrological predictions?

A: If an eclipse occurs close to someone’s birth time, it is considered a natal eclipse and leaves a definitive astrological signature in their birth chart. It is believed these have a profound impact on a person’s life path, destiny and create major life events. Astrologers believe they activate certain areas of a person’s birth chart based on the astrological houses they fall in. These houses symbolize different life areas such as relationships, career, family, etc.

Q: What are some common misconceptions about eclipses in astrology, and how do you address them?

A: The biggest misconception is that eclipses represent bad omens. While eclipses can coincide with disruptive changes, they are not across-the-board negative. Astrologers believe that they accelerate the cycles of beginnings and endings which are necessary for growth. Further, the impact of an eclipse greatly depends on an individual’s birth chart.

Another misconception is that you must perform a ritual during an eclipse. Wrong! Modern astrology doesn’t mandate specific rituals or behaviors.

And finally, all eclipses are created equal. Also wrong! The influence of an eclipse depends on factors like whether it’s solar or lunar, which astrological house it falls in, the aspects it makes, and how it aligns with a person’s natal placements in their birth chart.

April 14, 2200 (Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

Q: What advice do you have for individuals seeking to understand and harness the energy of eclipses in their lives?

A: Learn about your natal chart either from a qualified astrologer or study of astrology. Understand which houses and planets are being activated by the eclipse. You will gain clarity on the areas of life that may see major shifts. Have an open mind and heart about the changes, even if they appear unsettling at first.

Use the eclipse to initiate introspection into your life, emotional processing and releasing of what no longer serves you. This includes letting go of toxic patterns during lunar eclipses especially. Thoughtfully set intentions around what you wish to begin or call into your life. Be sure to stay grounded, seek advice from reliable sources. Use an eclipse as a time to realign with your soul’s true path.

Q: Can you discuss the concept of “eclipse seasons” and their significance in astrological forecasting?

A: An eclipse season refers to the period when eclipses occur in clusters, usually lasting around 6-7 weeks. This happens because solar and lunar eclipses always arrive in pairs about two weeks apart.

The significance of eclipse seasons lies in their concentrated astrological intensity and influence. The effects of both the solar and lunar eclipses combine to create a powerful astrological window where major life changes, revelations, and upheavals are more likely to occur.

Eclipse seasons mark the ending of old cycles and the beginning of new phases across many areas of life like relationships, careers, etc. In forecasting, astrologers study the astrological signatures, house placements, and planetary aspects of eclipses in a season to predict which areas of life will see major development, the general themes and lessons presented for learning and growth, and how world events may reshape or shift based on the charts of world leaders and countries.

Q: Are there specific rituals or practices you recommend for harnessing the transformative energy of eclipses?

A: There are various rituals and practices that can help harness the powerful, transformative energies of an eclipse. During a solar eclipse, do a ritual of writing down your intentions for the new phase you’re entering. What do you wish to call in or begin? Light a candle to symbolize illumination. Solar eclipses are aligned with fire and Sun energies, so practices like sun gazing or fire ceremonies can be powerful.

For lunar eclipses, feminine water energy moon rituals, ocean swims or goddess circle gatherings are recommended. Lunar eclipses are ideals for release rituals where you symbolically let go of what’s holding you back. This can involve burning away written notes, smudging with sage, or even taking a ritualistic bath. As lunar eclipses bring our fears and subconscious patterns to light, practices like journaling, dream analysis, and inner child work can facilitate major emotional releases.

Eclipses are also a great time for a visioning practice or quest to gain clarity on your true life’s path forward.

Reciting mantras during eclipses can be incredibly potent too due to the amplified cosmic energy available.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

A: Eclipses have always brought fascination and sometimes fear to humans. They are rare occurrences that can bring our focus from the macro to our interior world. Trust your intuition when you feel it tugging. Do whatever privately calls to you to enhance your connection. As above, so below.

The last time a total solar eclipse past through more than a small part (Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)


About the Author

Holly joined the KPRC 2 digital team in March 2024, leveraging her eight years of expertise in blogging and digital content to share her passion for Houston. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring the city's vibrant scenes, all while balancing her roles as a wife and mother to two toddlers.

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